How would grandma do things in her kitchen? | ~ Texas Homesteader (2024)

by Texas Homesteader ~

How would grandma have done it? I’ve been seeing this question a lot on social media lately.

But it’s interesting food for thought, especially for those striving to reduce waste and save a little money too in their own kitchens. Let’s see how grandma would have done it.

How would grandma do things in her kitchen? | ~ Texas Homesteader (1)

Single-Use Items Not Common In Grandma’s Day

Grandma went about things in a whole different (and often simplified) way than is common in today’s kitchen.

You see, plastic and single-use items weren’t commonplace kitchen items back in my grandma’s day.

And yet, grandma got around the kitchen just fine without it. And without having to use specialty products either.

Sometimes the old ways are really the best ways.

Here’s How Grandma Would Do It!

Replacement For Plastic Wrap To Cover Food

Grandma didn’t need plastic wrap to cover thawing food.

She simply covered the food with another piece of dinnerware.

How would grandma do things in her kitchen? | ~ Texas Homesteader (2)

Oh yeah, I watched my grandmother do this countless times when I was a child! How did our grandmothers get so smart??

Covered Bakeware Can Store Leftovers

I have my grandmother’s CorningWare Bakeware and I love it.

How would grandma do things in her kitchen? | ~ Texas Homesteader (3)

But it’s used for more than cooking. I often bring out one of these dishes to store leftovers in my fridge.

This replaces the dreaded plastic bowls I used to store leftovers in when I was learning my way around the kitchen as a young adult.

Plus, you know, I’ve got these lovely vintage dishes – it would be a shame not to put them to full use.

And I’m able to store, heat & eat in the same dish. Fewer dishes to wash. Again with the shortcuts!

Keeping Produce Fresh With A Jar & Water

Grandma knew how to keep that fresh produce fresh for longer.

She would put the cut end of fresh broccoli or celery in water, whether in a repurposed wide-mouth jar or a deep bowl.

How would grandma do things in her kitchen? | ~ Texas Homesteader (4)

I use this same trick for peeled carrots in the refrigerator. They stay fresh and crisp for a long time when you add a little water to the bottom of the jar.
How would grandma do things in her kitchen? | ~ Texas Homesteader (5)

That produce can be stored in the refrigerator for much longer while staying fresh too!

Actual Dishes At The Supper Table

Although there were times when paper plates made sense with a quick meal at grandma’s table, it was rare. Grandma used real dishes at her table.

How would grandma do things in her kitchen? | ~ Texas Homesteader (6)

Disposable paper plates and plastic utensils cost too much – both in money and the environment – to buy and toss over & over again.

Plus having a nicely-set table adds a little something ot the ambiance of the meal.

Repurposed Jars Hold Small Leftovers In The Refrigerator

Grandma was always saving useful jars for reuse. So I do too!

There are several repurposed wide-mouth jars that were saved for me by family members to use for storing food in my refrigerator.

How would grandma do things in her kitchen? | ~ Texas Homesteader (7)

If there’s a small amount of food left over such as half an onion or bell pepper I often use these small jars to hold them in my fridge.

I love it because I’m once again storing my food in glass instead of plastic.

Plus since the jars are completely see-through I find I don’t forget about what’s been placed in the fridge. That leftover food is much more likely to be used instead of being shoved to the back & forgotten until it’s only fit for the compost heap.

This has obviously saved us money in our food budget since food is less likely to be wasted. And y’all know how much I hate food waste.

Cast Iron Cookware Lasts Forever

Another beloved item of my grandmother’s that now resides in my kitchen is her cast-iron skillet.

Grandma received this beautiful skillet as a wedding gift when she and my grandfather married in 1934.

How would grandma do things in her kitchen? | ~ Texas Homesteader (8)

It cooked many delicious meals for her family for decades before being passed to me. And it’s still not showing any signs of wear!

I’ll be passing this skillet down to my children and then on to my grandchildren and beyond. That’s some kind of longevity for cookware, y’all.

Grandma Used Rags For Cleaning

Grandma would have never considered buying something disposable to clean even if it had been available to her!

My grandmother lived through the depression and she was well skilled in ‘Use Whatcha Got’!

I took a cue from her and I don’t buy specialty kitchen cloths. This old T-Shirt of RancherMan’s is cut into dishcloth-sized rags. They’ve replaced our disposable paper towels too.

How would grandma do things in her kitchen? | ~ Texas Homesteader (9)

When they’re too stained to be used in the kitchen anymore I send them to RancherMan’s shop where they’ll be used for greasy grimy things before finally being thrown away.

From clothing to dish rags / paper towels to shop rags. That’s lots of mileage from an old tshirt!

Grandma’s Kitchen – Good For The Environment

So there are a few simple things our grandmothers did back in the day. And those same easy steps can be used today.

It’s good for our wallets AND good for the environment!


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Grandma’s Old Fashioned Kitchen

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How would grandma do things in her kitchen? | ~ Texas Homesteader (2024)
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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.